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Who do you typically work with?

I work with individuals and couples who are 18 years of age or older. I do not work with children, adolescents, or with families.


What is Your Availability?

I usually work from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.


How Long Is a Session?

45 minutes.


What can I expect on my first visit as a new client?

Ideally, we will spend 60 minutes together during the first session. After we take care of “housekeeping” (insurance, copay, etc.), I will ask you to describe what motivated you to do this work and explore whether you have been in therapy before. If you have had previous experience with therapy, I will want to know how that experience was for you. Was it positive? Negative? What worked and what didn’t work?


I will next ask you to describe who you are in the world; for instance, where and how you grew up, your current status in regard to family, work, and important others in your life, whether you have a history of mental health-related symptoms, and how attentive you are regarding your daily well-being. We will discuss the goals of treatment and whether it will fit into your life in terms of the time commitment and cost involved.


At the end of our session, I will reflect back what I've heard and will confirm that I’ve understood you correctly. I will offer a plan for moving forward and will suggest that you think about whether or not it will work for you. At this stage, I am happy to schedule another appointment but will always let you know that if for any reason I am not a good match for you, I will be happy to help you locate another provider. 

Do you consult with peer professionals on your cases? Yes, I engage in peer supervision as well as consult with a seasoned psychologist to discuss cases. I do this without disclosing any identifying information.


If you run into difficulty, or an issue evolves into something that falls outside of your expertise, what do you do? If I encounter someone who is dealing with an issue that falls outside of my expertise and would be better treated by a different specialist in a specific field, such as substance abuse or eating disorders, I refer them out and facilitate connecting them with a professional who has expertise in that specific area.

What Is Your Payment Policy?

In general, once we begin working together, I do always ask clients to pay for the session at the beginning as well as set up their next appointment, in order for us to avoid having to end a potentially emotional or enlightening session with these mundane “housekeeping” tasks.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please provide 24 hours’ notice if you need to cancel an appointment. Sessions are scheduled in advance and are a time that is reserved exclusively for you. When a session is cancelled without adequate notice, I won't be able to fill this time slot. A fee of $50.00 will be charged when you miss or cancel an appointment without providing 24 hours of advance notice.

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